CodeMap Compliance Briefing: How to Respond to Investigators
Editor's Welcome: We all know the importance of compliance with federal laws, rules, and regulations. Unfortunately, the laws, rules, and regulations governing federally funded health care programs are extremely complex and 100% compliance is nearly impossible. Despite our best efforts, many compliance professionals will face the situation where their health care organization has become the focus of a federal or state agency investigation. The next three CodeMap Compliance Briefings will contain useful information on how to react during the initial stages of an investigation. Knowledge of your rights and obligations is key to protecting the interests of your health care provider organization and its employees, contractors, and owners. This week we will discuss how to react when an investigator shows up at your door wishing to ask questions about your operations. In future weeks we will discuss how to react to subpoenas and search warrants.
As always, please forward any questions, concerns, or ideas for future CodeMap Compliance Briefings.
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