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CodeMap® Pre-Sales FAQ

 Medical Necessity Data Files

CodeMap® provides accurate and dependable Medicare medical necessity data files to over 1,000 customers in over 30 different system formats.   These files include the exact CPT® to Diagnosis code pairs that allow help your system effectively screen claims and generate ABNs. 

Click here for the list of our covered local (LCD) Medicare contractors

Current list of National NCD diagnosis code requirements

CodeMap® Partners

Technical FAQ

Pre-Sales FAQ




What is the source of your Medical Necessity data?

CodeMap® is a leading source of Medicare compliance and reimbursement solutions. Our main products are the CodeMap® line of publications, data-files, services and training that enable health care professionals to manage the complex rules and regulations governing the federal Medicare program. CodeMap’s clients include more than 30 diagnostic test manufacturers and over 1500 providers who rely on CodeMap publications, compliance training, data products and advisory services.

CodeMap maintains a comprehensive database of Medical Necessity coding information including frequency edits, effective and ending dates, indications, limitations and contractor notes for every NCD and LCD. All of our NCD information comes directly from CMS program memorandum, transmittals and updates. LCD information contained in our database is derived directly from a combination of the Central Management Services Medicare Coverage Database, Medicare Carrier and Fiscal Intermediary bulletins, LCD advisory meetings, and other contractor directives.

What Medicare Contractors are available?

CodeMap can provide Medical Necessity Data Files for all Medicare Contractors in all states including Fiscal Intermediaries, Medicare Carriers and newly created Medicare Admistrative Contractors (MAC) A and B. Our full list of all covered medicare contactors and their policies is available at

Covered Medicare Contractors

What specialties are available?

In addition to our full policy data sets, CodeMap has defined data subsets applicable to the following specialties:

Radiology, Laboratory, Pathology, Cardiology

What is the standard format and delivery?

Our files are sent to the systems administrator by email. They are simple text files which can be read by any text reader including TextPad, WordPad, and NotePad. They are saved with DOS linefeeds in UTF-8 Unicode text encoding. We can deliver the files on CD or by FTP site if necessary.

Most HIS, EMR, LIS, and CPOE software can work with a comma delimited format:


We pull our data from a SQL database and can create any format necessary for your system.  We currently provide over 30 different formats.

What are the standard fields?

Standard fields are CPT and ICD-10 code pairs in the example above.  Depending on the system format ordered, additional fields including LCD ID, effective date, modified dates and additional fields are included. 

Extended data fields?

More advanced systems can handle active, expired and draft policies, effective date, revision date, ending date, LCD ID, and frequency limitations. CodeMap can provide all of these fields.

One of our newest features is the ability to include a URL to the full policy hosted on our web servers. For example, if an order is entered that does not meet medical necessity requirements, typically a warning pops up to obtain an ABN. Our new field allows the application to call out to an HTTP page request to retrieve the actual full text of the policy. 

Having immediate access to the policy is a time-saving and effective method of increasing coder knowledge of medical necessity issues. CodeMap can provide secure hosted web access to every Medicare Policy.

How frequently do you update your data?

CodeMap updates all policies in our database on a continuous basis. In addition to our data file customers who receive updated files on monthly or quarterly schedules, CodeMap hosts web sites for over 15 major diagnostics test manufacturers that rely on CodeMap’s continuously updated database to provide customers with the most up to date Medicare coverage information. Our business depends on accurate and timely updating of all Medicare policies.

Customer Base

How long have you been providing Medical Necessity Data Files?

CodeMap began delivering data files in 2001.

How many customers have installed your data?

As of January 2023, CodeMap data files are in use at over 1,000 facilities.

Number of Vendor Interfaces?

CodeMap has developed formatting for and/or has customers using the following systems:

4Medica, CompuGroup, Eclypsis, Fletcher-Flora Systems, Health Computer Systems (HCS), HexLabs, Iatric Systems, IDX-Radiology, ImPac, LabSoft, Inc,  McKesson STAR, MedCom, Medicity, MEDITECH, Medisolution, NetLims, Novo Innovations, Orchard, Park City, Psyche Systems, Schuyler House, SeaCoast, Specialty Labs, Sunquest, Sysmex.

Additional Vendors have requested not to be listed.

Reference Vendors?

Absolutely, available upon request.

Reference Customers?

Absolutely, available upon request.


Click here for current pricing.


CodeMap® is a Registered Trademark of Wheaton Partners, LLC.