Friday Compliance Briefing: ABNs and Client Cooperation
Editor's Welcome: We recieved an interesting question last week concerning Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABNs). The subscriber asked if Medicare rules and regulations require an ordering physician to obtain signed ABNs for laboratories. The subscriber posed this question because some of the laboratory's physician clients were unwilling to obtain ABNs from patients. This question is important for laboratories, as well as radiology providers. Both provider organizations should utilized ABNs to protect against lost revenue for denied claims. As always, please forward any questions and/or suggestions for future Friday Compliance Briefings.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Are Physicians Required to Obtain Signed ABNs for Ancillary Service Providers?
CMS addressed the proper use of ABNs last year in several Program Memorandums including transmittals AB-02-114 (July 31, 2002) and AB-02-168 (November 22, 2002). To our knowledge nothing in those memorandums and/or Medicare rules and regulations requires a physician to ob....
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