Friday Compliance Briefing: Patient Ordered/Performed Testing
Editor's Welcome:
As more and more tests become available either as over-the-counter tests or as CLIA-waived tests, the question of coverage by Medicare and other payers frequently arises. This week we will discuss the coverage issues for both self-prescribed tests as well as patient performed tests. As always, feel free to forward any questions, concerns, or suggestions for future topics.
Charles B. Root, Ph.D.
Self Prescribed Tests:
Self-prescribed tests are tests ordered or purchased over-the-counter by the patient. Nearly all payers, including Medicare, do not pay for self-prescribed tests. This includes both over-the-counter tests and tests performed by laboratories at a patient's request, so called direct access testing. Direct access testing is presently allowed in only 26 states and restricted to a limited list of tests in many cases.
Patient Performed Tests:
Patient performed ....
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