Friday Compliance Briefing: 1/10/2003: 2003 Fee Schedules
Editor's Welcome
Welcome Back and Happy New Year.
2003 Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule
The 2003 Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule became effective Jan 1, 2003 and includes an across the board 1.1% increase for all laboratory services. Medicare Carriers will accept either 2002 or 2003 CPT codes until April 1, 2003. After that date, only 2003 CPT codes will be recognized.
Remember that the Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule includes most clinical laboratory procedures, but not pathology or radiology procedures.
2003 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
CMS finally published the 2003 Medicare Physician Fee schedule (MPFS) on the last day of 2002. Normally, the MPFS is available the first week of November. Publication was apparently delayed to allow Congress to amend the formula for computing the sustainable growth rate and eliminate a further reduction in physician payments. Unfortunately, Congress did not act and the 2003 MPFS was cut for the second year. This time the reduction am....
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