Friday Compliance Briefing: 12/13/2002: More National Coverage Policies
Editor's Welcome
As you already know, CMS implemented 23 new National Coverage Determinations (NCDs) for laboratory procedures on November 25, 2002. Although the 23 new NCDs do represent a majority of the existing national coverage policies concerning lab tests, there are other national coverage policies already in effect. In recent years, CMS has enacted a handful of coverage policies concerning screening procedures, as well as other lab tests.
Over the past weeks, a number of our subscribers have asked about national coverage policies for screening PSAs and screening fecal occult blood (FOB) tests. Due to subscriber interest, this briefing will discuss these two national coverage policies. Future briefings will contain information about other already existing coverage policies such as screening Pap smears.
In observance of the upcoming holidays, this is the last Friday Compliance Briefing of 2002. We will distribute the next Friday Compliance Briefing on January 10, 2003. Thank you for y....
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