CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: 12/03/2014
Editor's Welcome: In the 2015 clinical laboratory fee schedule preliminary determinations file, released on October 9, 2015, CMS proposed to not pay for new CPT® codes for drugs because of their concern for overpayment when billing for each individual drug test rather than a single code that pays the same amount regardless of the number of drugs that are being tested. Last week CMS issued their final determination regarding how they intend to pay for drug testing during 2015. As discussed below, they are essentially maintaining the 2014 payment policy for both qualitative and quantitative drug testing. As always, please let us know you comments and questions.
Gregory Root, Esq.
CMS Issues New Drug Testing Codes
by: Charles B. Root, Ph.D.
The 2015 CPT includes a comprehensive revision of drug testing codes including many new and more specific c....
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