CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: June 19, 2013
Editor's Welcome: CMS convenes an annual meeting each July to consider comments from the public on how new laboratory tests are to be reimbursed. Last year, there were over 115 new CPT codes on the agenda. With only 16 new codes on this year's agenda, the task of determining fees for these new codes will be considerably easier. Two new molecular pathology codes are included plus 10 new therapeutic drug monitoring codes that represent the initial product of the AMA Quantitative Drug Testing Workgroup. Any laboratory that performs testing that will be reported with the new codes should attend the meeting and/or submit comments. CMS needs input from all stakeholders in order to set appropriate reimbursement for the 2014 Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule. As always, please feel free to submit questions, comments, and suggestions to the author of this C....
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