CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: June 7, 2013
Editor's Welcome: As I'm sure you all know, CMS is using the gap fill process to set payments for over 100 new molecular pathology procedures. As required by gap filling regulations, Medicare Administartive Contractors (MACs) have submitted their initial fees for each Medcare locality and CMS has now published the fees on their website. Initial payment levels vary widly and have received considerable criticism for being arbitrary and, in many cases, dramatically lower than 2012 payments for the same tests. As always, please let us know your concerns, comments and questions regarding today's topic.
Gregory Root, Esq.
CMS Publishes Initial Gapfill Fees for MoPath Tests
by: Charles Root
Last year CMS decided to use gap filling methodology to establish payment rates for 114 new Molecular Pathology CPT® codes (....
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