CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: December 2, 2011
Editor's Welcome:
Quite a few subscribers responded favorably to the last CodeMap® Compliance Briefing concerning the role and responsibilities of a Chief Compliance Officers. Close to 50% of the respondents indicated that their organizations were in the process of developing a compliance program, and that they would appreciate more information concerning the important components of such programs. Another sizable group of respondents stated that they were responsible for already established programs, but could also use as much guidance as possible on how to maintain the effectiveness of their programs. Considering the number of responses we received, we have decided to dedicate the next two CodeMap Compliance Briefings to other important aspects of effective compliance programs. This week, we will discuss drafting and implementing the necessary policies of a laboratory compliance program, and next week, we will review compliance program auditing. As always, please feel free to forward via email any questions, comments, ....
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