CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: October 28, 2011
Editor's Welcome:
A common inquiry we receive from our subscribers concerns the use of custom panels and the associated compliance issues. Each year, more and more esoteric labs begin operations. These labs typically offer limited test selections such as genetic testing, cardiovascular risk markers, metabolic health indicators, drug monitoring, and/or other specialized offerings. Esoteric laboratories often allow customers to create and order customized panels including the tests the customers deem to be most beneficial and medically necessary for their patients. Although many physicians prefer to use custom panels, laboratories allowing such groupings must be aware of the compliance issues identified by the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG). The following briefing will discuss these issues along with the necessary compliance policies and safeguards laboratories should implement to ensure the panels do not result in the ordering of medically unnecessary testing. As always, please feel free to email any questions, commen....
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