CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: September 9, 2011
Editor's Welcome:
Last week, the American Medical Association (AMA) released the electronic data files listing all new 2012 CPT® codes. A total of 192 new codes were added throughout the CPT, however, over 50% of the new codes are devoted exclusively to molecular pathology and laboratory procedures. As previously discussed in our July 29 CodeMap Compliance Briefing, Medicare has chosen not to recognize the 101 new Molecular Pathology procedures for reimbursement during 2012. However, non-government payers who sought these new codes may implement them during the coming year. Today, we will summarize both the new laboratory codes payable starting January 2012, as well the molecular pathology codes expected to become effective January 1, 2013. As always, feel free to comment or ask any questions via email.
Gregory Root, Esq.
New CPT Codes for 2012
by: Charles B. Root, Ph.D....
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