CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: July 29, 2011
Editor's Welcome:
Last week, we discussed the CMS Meeting held July 18 to discuss setting reimbursement rates for new codes included on the Medicare Clinical Lab Fee Schedule. In particular, we reviewed some of the recommendations made by stakeholder participants concerning drug screening coding and reimbursement. On that same day, CMS also convened a meeting concerning the newly created codes for genetic tests and molecular pathology. As most of our subscribers are aware, the AMA plans to add approximately 92 analyte specific codes to the 2012 CPT® for reporting molecular pathology procedures. In 2013, the AMA plans to add another 9 codes representing another 78 molecular pathology analytes. Immediately following the July 18 meeting mentioned earlier, CMS held a second meeting concerning the reimbursement for these codes. In that meeting we learned CMS' plans for 2012, as well as the associated recommendations from stakeholders concerning these new codes. Today, we will discuss these important developments,....
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