CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: 08/06/2010
Editor's Welcome:
As promised, this week's CodeMap® Compliance Briefing will continue our examination of the terminology associated with Medicare coding and reimbursement. In the last CodeMap® Compliance Briefing, we provided definitions and accompanying explanations for several basic coding terms. This week, we will take a look at the vocabulary often associated with Medicare reimbursement systems.
As many of our long term subscribers know, we publish a similar series of CodeMap® Compliance Briefings towards the end of each year to help remind our readers of the definitions and implications of the many unique terms used in conjunction with federally funded health care programs. Hopefully, by the end of this briefing our subscribers will obtain a better understanding of such terms as prospective payment systems, fee-for-service payment systems, fee schedules, RBRVS, RVUs, OPPS, APCs, deductibles, and copayments. As alw....
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