To: All CodeMap Subscribers
Re: Upcoming Coding and Reimbursement Changes
Every fall, we remind our subscribers of the many changes that will occur at the beginning of the coming year concerning Medicare coding and reimbursement. Our subscribers know they must keep informed of these changes to ensure accurate coding, appropriate billing and reimbursement, and continued compliance. Failure to implement these changes will expose your organization to greater denials, and possible civil and administrative liability for violating Medicare rules and regulations. The following is a summary of the major changes we expect to see in 2010:
1. Across the Board Reimbursement Update to 2010 Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule: For the second year in a row, Congress is likely to update the Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule. Unfortunately, the update will likely be negative due to the decreasing Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI). At this point, the update will most likely be a reduction of 1.9%. However, that....
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