CodeMap® Briefing: 9/18/2009
Editor's Welcome:
Now begins the most important time of year for coding updates that effect your Health Information Systems. The ICD-9 code changes effective 10/01/2009 will set off a flurry of activity through the end of the year as CMS and it's contractor's evaluate and update their policies to reflect the changes to the ICD-9 codes that define medical necessity. Our Chief Information Officer, Jerry Tavolino, and his team are in the process of updating our data file customers with the essential ICD-9, NCD and LCD changes effective 10/01/2009. Incorrect coding information in your Health Information Systems will effect your reimbursement and may lead to potential HIPAA violations. Make sure your systems are ready for the changes which are coming up very quickly.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Title: Essential Health Information....
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