CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: 3/6/09
Editor's Welcome:
Quantitative assays for both therapeutic drugs and drugs of abuse are often used to monitor patients being treated for acute and chronic pain due to cancer, injuries, musculoskeletal disorder and arthritis. Since some patients self-medicate with other drugs, divert prescription drugs to others, or simply do not take their medications consistently, it has become common to monitor such patients for urine or serum drug levels on a regular basis. Such measurements, commonly performed by HPLC/MS methods, can also be used to adjust dosage levels and detect those patients who are simply non-responsive to a given drug. Today, we will discuss how to code quantitative assays for the narcotic drugs commonly prescribed for pain relief. As always, please let us know via email if you have any questions or comments on this topic.
Gregory Root, Esq....
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