National Coverage Decisions and Changes in Lipid Coverage
A number of readers have inquired about the "new reimbursement" for lipid panels that will be effective November 25th. In this briefing we will explain what will change - and what will not. We continue to receive useful comments and questions. As always please feel free to contact us with questions, concerns, or ideas for future Friday Compliance Briefings.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Changes in Lipid Coverage Effective November 25, 2002
There will be no change in reimbursement for lipid panels in November. Fee schedule amounts will remain the same until the end of the year when there is a possibility that all laboratory fees may increase by 1-2%. What will change is the coverage policy for lipid testing. Twenty-three new National Coverage Decisions (NCD's) for common lab tests become effective November 25th including one for lipids.
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