CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: 10/29/2008
Editor's Welcome:
Over the past two years, we have discussed MUEs, or Medically Unlikely Edits, in a number of CodeMap Compliance Briefings. This week we revisit the issue because of CMS' recent, and welcomed, decision to make public a majority of these billing edits. The publication of these edits, and accompanying instructions/FAQs should ease most providers' compliance with yet another mandated billing edit that will be applied by all Medicare contractors, Medicare Carriers, Fiscal Intermediaries, and MACs. As always, please feel fee to email any questions, comments, or suggestions.
Gregory Root, Esq.
MUE Update
by: Gregory Root, Esq.
Introduction and History
MUEs are unit of service edits for HCPCS/CPT codes submitted....
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