CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: 10/15/2008
Editor's Welcome:
This CodeMap Compliance Briefing will discuss the update process for National Coverage Determinations (NCDs) concerning clinical laboratory procedures. As most of you know, the process was very straight forward from the time CMS implemented the NCDs in 2002 until mid 2007. For reasons only known to CMS, CMS stopped publishing regular and prompt quarterly updates after the April 2007 update, and the process has been quite different ever since.
Keeping abreast of Medicare coverage policies is very important to any provider organization that incorporates coverage policy information into their automated order entry systems and/or LIS. Without current information, in particular accurate lists of covered ICD-9 codes, providers may collect ineffective or inappropriate ABNs, fail to adhere to Medicare coverage policy, and ultimately submit false claims to federal payers for medically unnecessary testing. Today, we will we first....
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