CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: 10/08/2008
Editor's Welcome:
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has published a list of the new CPT codes effective January 1, 2009, that providers will use to report laboratory procedures. As part of its process for setting payment levels for new CPT codes on the Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule, CMS must first solicit stakeholder input each year at a public meeting. This year, CMS held the meeting on July 14, 2008. Following the meeting, CMS is then required to publish preliminary payment determinations for each code, either crosswalks or gap-filling. Today, we will discuss CMS' recently published payment recommendations for new codes included in the 2009 Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule. As always, please feel free to forward any comments or suggestions via email to either myself or the author of this briefing. Also, remember that we will discuss all the new 2009 codes in our upcoming CodeMap TeleC....
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