CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: Breaking News: 06/10/2008
On Friday, June 6, 2008, CMS published change request 6084 concerning significant changes to the National Coverage Determinations that govern commonly performed laboratory procedures. As most of our subscribers know, NCDs play an important role in communicating the coverage requirements of many common lab procedures. These polices spell out covered ICD-9 codes, including links to specific CPT codes, frequency limitations, and other indications and limitations of coverage.
The most recent update to the laboratory NCDs is significant because of the unusually large number of changes including:
The addition or deletion of over 70 covered ICD-9 codes to various NCDs; and
Updates that affect 9 of the 23 NCDs that govern the performance of laboratory procedures.
Current CodeMap Data File customers will receive these NCD updates automatically with their Quarter 3 updates. All laboratory providers should begin taking steps to account fo....
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