CodeMap® Compliance Briefing: 5/4/07
Editor's Welcome:
We last discussed molecular diagnostic testing over three years ago (see CodeMap Compliance Briefings published on 4/2/2004, 4/9/2004 and 10/22/2004). This Briefing will serve as a review and update on how to code molecular diagnostic procedures and how Medicare pays for such tests. Quite a few changes have taken place since our last discussion, including the publication of 11 new CPT codes and numerous new and revised genetic code modifiers. Today, we will review molecular diagnostic coding and reimbursement rules, and next week, we will explore the major developments of the last 3 years concerning this type of testing. As always, please feel free to email us your questions, comments, and suggestions.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Molecular Diagnostic Codes and....
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