CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 10/21/05
Editor's Welcome:
The AMA has released the data files for the 2006 CPT. This week's CodeMap Compliance Briefing will discuss the new, revised, and deleted CPT codes concerning laboratory and pathology procedures. The next CodeMap Compliance Briefing scheduled for November 4, 2005 will examine the new, revised, and deleted codes concerning radiology procedures.
The 2006 CPT codes will be effective January 1, 2006. Same as last year, HIPAA mandates that there will be no grace period for adoption of the new codes. Providers should update their billing systems to include all new and revised codes and purge all deleted codes for all claims submitted on or after January 1, 2006. If you have any questions about the new 2006 CPT codes for laboratory and radiology procedures, please email the author of this briefing at the address listed below.
Gregory Root, Esq.
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