CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 09/16/05
Editor's Welcome:
This week's briefing is authored by Dr. Charles Root, CodeMap's resident coding and reimbursement expert. He discusses the proposed Medicare reimbursement amounts for new 2006 CPT codes. As you will see, numerous changes are expected in the Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule, as well as the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. Providers should become familiar with the new codes and associated payments now, so that on January 1, 2006, they can update their chargemasters with as little disruption as possible. Just like last year, CMS has eliminated the grace period for 2006 codes and Medicare reimbursement amounts, so providers must be absolutely ready to go with the changes on January 1. Please feel free to forward any comments or questions via email, directly to Dr. Root.
Gregory Root, Esq.
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