CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 7/22/05
Editor's Welcome:
This week we will continue our discussion of antibody and antigen coding by describing how to code antigen assays. As noted in the last CodeMap Compliance Briefing, knowledge of how the assay works is often required in order to determine the correct code. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding these topics.
Charles B. Root, Ph.D.
Coding Antibody and Antigen Assays II
Infectious Agent Antigens
Infectious agent antigen codes are listed under microbiology in the Pathology and Laboratory Section of the CPT. Unique coding rules apply to these assays. Unlike most laboratory services that are coded first by analyte, then method, many infectious agent antigen assays are first coded by method and then analyte. Thus, a careful reading of the package insert for the test being performed is often required.
All quantitative infectious or non-infectious agent a....
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