CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 7/08/05
Editor's Welcome:
Unlike most clinical laboratory tests, proper coding for antibody and antigen assays requires knowledge of both the agent being detected and the method employed. Today we will start a two part series on coding such tests by discussing how to code antibody determinations. The next briefing will conclude this discussion by examining the coding rules for antigen determinations. Please continue to email your questions, we will make every effort to reply directly or via future CodeMap Compliance Briefings.
Charles B. Root, Ph.D.
Coding Antibody and Antigen Assays I
Infectious Agent Antibodies
All quantitative infectious agent antibody assays are reported using CPT code 83520 (Immunoassay, quantitative, not otherwise specified).
CPT codes for qualitative infectious agent antibody assays are listed under Immunology in the Pathology and Laboratory Section of ....
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