CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 6/24/05
Editor's Welcome:
On February 11, 2005, CMS issued Change Request 3622 concerning the resubmission of previously denied claims. This new instruction was scheduled to become effective July 5, 2005 and would have affected the way most providers handle denied Medicare claims. While the proposed change solved one problem for CMS, it would have created some troublesome "unintended consequences" for both providers and the Medicare system. CMS has now decided NOT to implement Change Request 3622. This week we will discuss the original Change Request and its present status. As always, please let us know your thoughts on this or any other issues concerning lab and radiology reimbursement.
Charles Root, Ph.D.
Change Request 3622 (Requirement that Medicare Carrier System Not Allow the Re-review of Previously Submitted Claims) instructed Medicare Carriers to automatically deny duplicates of denied c....
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