CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 04/29/05
Editor's Welcome:
Much of the information we discuss in our CodeMap Compliance Briefings is first published in Manuals created by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Two CMS Manuals, the Medicare Carrier Manual (MCM) and the Medicare Intermediary Manual (MIM) represent a wealth of information concerning the rules and regulations of Medicare and how these rules apply to diagnostic providers. This week, we will briefly discuss some recent changes CMS has made concerning how the CMS Manuals are communicated and revised. The remainder of the briefing will focus on several controversies that have developed as a result of these recent changes. As always, feel free to email us questions and suggestions. Remember that many, if not most, CodeMap Briefings are the result of subscriber inquiries and ideas.
Gregory Root, Esq.
CMS Manuals
The above mentioned ....
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