CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 04/15/05
Editor's Welcome:
Each week we receive numerous emails concerning coding, reimbursement, and compliance issues. One issue that continues to generate questions and concerns is the use of custom panels by clinical laboratories. Since we have never devoted an entire CodeMap Compliance Briefing to this topic, we decided no better time than now. This week's briefing will discuss custom panels, how they are used, who uses them, and what are the associated compliance risks and issues. As always, keep your helpful questions and suggestions coming and we will do our best to respond via email or incorporate them in upcoming CodeMap Compliance Briefings.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Custom Panels
The OIG, CMS, Medicare contractors, and most of the clinical laboratory industry define custom panels as groupings of tests that differ in test composition from the nine panels included in the AMA's CPT manual. CPT panels include the following: