CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 04/08/05
Editor's Welcome:
Over the past few months CMS has laid out its plans to overhaul the organization and functions of Medicare contractors, including Medicare carriers and fiscal intermediaries. This ambitious plan will significantly affect both Medicare providers and beneficiaries and result in the creation of a new type of contractor, the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). As always, please email us your questions, concerns, and/or comments regarding this or any other coding, reimbursement, or compliance issue.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Current Medicare Contractors
Presently, most fee-for-service providers submit claims for Medicare services to one of two types of contractors, either a Medicare carrier or a fiscal intermediary. Hospital laboratories and outpatient service providers submit claims to fiscal intermediaries and independent laboratories and physicians submit claims to Medicare carriers, even though many of these providers are providing the same t....
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