CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 03/18/05
Editor's Welcome:
This week we will respond to a number of questions posed by our subscribers. We typically choose questions that have been asked multiple times in recent weeks in hopes of clearing up as much confusion as possible. There will be no CodeMap Compliance Briefing next Friday in observance of the Good Friday and Easter holidays. The next CodeMap Compliance Briefing will be April 1.
Charles B. Root, Ph.D.
Subscriber Questions
Question 1: A number of our readers have asked for additional information about the Medically Unbelievable Edits discussed in last week's CodeMap Compliance Briefing.
Answer 1: CMS has rescinded transmittal 105 on Medically Unbelievable Edits. At this time there is no indication that these edits will be instituted in the near future. Customarily, CMS will issue a new transmittal when changes or corrections are required, however, in this case the text of the origina....
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