CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 02/25/05
Editor's Welcome:
Welcome back to our ongoing discussion of the OIG's recently published Supplemental Compliance Program Guidance for Hospitals in final form. Two CodeMap Compliance Briefings will conclude our discussion by examining the OIG's guidance concerning the effectiveness of hospital compliance programs. This briefing will review the OIG's discussion concerning ongoing auditing and monitoring and next week's briefing will focus on compliance training. Auditing and training are key aspects of any compliance program because they demonstrate the provider organization's commitment to the ongoing maintenance of an effective program.
Also, it is important to remember that all providers, not just hospitals, should pay attention to this new guidance. The OIG has repeatedly advised providers that they should not wait for guidance specific to their type of organization, but rather develop their own compliance programs based on relevant provisions of guidance for other types of providers. Rad....
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