CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 12/17/04
Editor's Welcome
This week, as the holidays and year's end approach, we will once again respond to a number of questions that have been posed by our subscribers. We typically choose questions that have been asked multiple times in recent weeks in hopes of clearing up as much confusion as possible. This will be the last CodeMap Compliance Briefing of 2004. In observance of the upcoming holidays we will not publish another briefing until Friday, January 7, 2005. Season's greetings!
Gregory Root, Esq.
Subscriber Questions
Question 1: Many subscribers have asked what is a LCD, and why is this abbreviation appearing more and more in CMS and local carrier communications.
Answer 1: LCD stands for Local Coverage Determination. LCDs are basically replacing LMRPs (Local Medical Review Policies). As a result of Section 522 of the Benefits Improvement and Protection Act, federal regulations re....
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