CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 12/10/04
Editor's Welcome,
Many readers have responded with questions concerning the new flow cytometry codes discussed in the November 19th CodeMap Compliance Briefing. The examples included in that briefing left a number of issues unresolved, so this week we present two new, more clinically relevant examples that should answer many of your questions. The following coding recommendations represent our best opinion at this time. However, we expect further guidance and clarification from either the AMA and/or CMS in the coming months concerning these new codes. Upon issuance of new guidance we may revisit these examples to ensure our interpretation remains accurate. Please keep the questions coming.
Charles Root, Ph.D.
New Flow Cytometry Codes
The following new codes have been added to the 2005 CPT for reporting quantitative (absolute) counts of B cells, natural killer cells and stem cells.
86064 B CELLS, total count
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