CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 11/19/04
Editor's Welcome,
The new CPT codes and reimbursement rates for flow cytometry services will have a significant effect on many laboratories and pathology providers. Already, these codes have generated many questions regarding their use. The following discussion should provide a good starting point for understanding the impact of these new codes. In addition to identifying these new codes, this briefing will also explain their use through an example and demonstrate the financial implications of adopting the new codes and associated Medicare reimbursement amounts. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no CodeMap Compliance Briefing next week. We will return December 3, 2004 with more compliance news and guidance.
Charles Root, Ph.D.
2005 Flow Cytometry Procedure Coding
In the 2005 CPT, the following 5 new codes replace former CPT code 88180 (Flow cytometry; each cell surface, cytoplasmic or nuclear marker). Remember that CPT code 88180 ....
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