CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 11/05/04
Editor's Welcome
CMS has published the final regulations for the new Medicare cardiovascular screening benefit as part of the 2005 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule. As part of these regulations, CMS included responses to 28 comments by various associations and individuals which contain useful information concerning the screening benefit. CMS also included policy regarding diabetes screening and payment levels for the new flow cytometry codes in the Final Rule. We will discuss these topics in upcoming CodeMap Compliance Briefings. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or comments.
Charles B. Root, Ph.D.
Medicare Cardiovascular Screening Benefit
The following rules for the administration of the cardiovascular screening benefit will be effective January 1, 2005. Three clinical laboratory tests to detect early risk of cardiovascular disease will be covered; total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. These tests may be orde....
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