CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 10/29/04
Editor's Welcome
Periodically, we devote an entire CodeMap Compliance Briefing to answering questions submitted by our subscribers. This week we will do just that, in response to the many emails we have received recently concerning coding, reimbursement, and compliance issues. Typically, subscribers have more questions this time of year due to the many changes that occur at year's end such as new fee schedules, new and revised CPT and ICD-9 codes, and other associated changes. Now more than ever, feel free to email your questions and concerns to us. Happy Halloween.
Subscriber Questions
Question 1: Several subscribers have inquired about the implementation dates of 2005 codes and the elimination of grace periods.
Answer 1: Providers must remember two important dates concerning 2005 codes. First, the 2005 ICD-9 codes became effective October 1, 2004. Second, the 2005 CPT codes are effective January 1, 2005. In addition, it is important to remem....
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