CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 9/17/04
Editor's Welcome
New 2005 CPT codes were released this week by the American Medical Association (AMA). Also this week, CMS announced their recommended payment levels for new codes included in the 2005 Medicare Laboratory Fee Schedule. Again this year, CMS generally followed the recommendations made at the July meeting regarding how to price the new tests. We will cover the payment levels for the new flow cytometry and pathology codes as soon as CMS publishes the 2005 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule that includes these codes. As always, please feel free to email your comments and questions.
Charles B. Root, Ph.D.
New Laboratory CPT Codes and Medicare Reimbursement
The following new codes will become effective January 1, 2005. Remember, there is no longer a grace period for using these codes. You should plan to update your chargemasters and billing software by December 31st! The 2005 Medicare National Limitation Amou....
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