CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 8/6/04
Editor's Welcome
Section 612 of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) provided for Medicare coverage of cardiovascular and diabetes screening tests. A proposed rule defining this benefit was published yesterday in the Federal Register. If you have questions or concerns about this proposed rule, please feel free to contact us.
Charles B. Root, Ph.D.
Proposed Coverage for Cardiovascular Screening Tests
The following CPT codes would be covered once every 5 years beginning Jan 1, 2005.
82465 Cholesterol, serum or whole blood, total.
83718 Lipoprotein, direct measurement, HDL cholesterol
84478 Triglycerides
80081 Lipid panel (Total cholesterol, HDL and Trig.)
If cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides are performed at the same time, a lipid panel would be reported and no other cardiovascular screening tests would be allowed during the next five years.
The above tests wi....
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