CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 7/23/04
Editor's Welcome
A number of readers have asked questions regarding how to assign the date-of-service for certain Medicare claims. In particular, we have received inquiries concerning procedures where the specimen collection is conducted over multiple days, and how to report tests performed more than once on the same date-of-service. This week we will discuss these and other date-of-service issues. Please continue to email us with any additional questions on these or other issues you would like covered in future CodeMap Compliance Briefings.
Determining the Date-of-Service for Clinical Laboratory Services
The following rules apply to the assignment of the date-of-service for all laboratory service providers. These rules are published in the Medicare Carrier's Manual.
The date-of-service should be reported as the date of specimen collection.
The person obtaining the specimen must furnish the date of collection for the specimen to the laboratory or other entity billing Medicare.
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