CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 6/11/04
Editor's Welcome
On June 8, 2004, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) published Draft Supplemental Compliance Program Guidance for Hospitals. The draft guidance is not intended to replace existing compliance program guidance for hospitals, but rather supplement the earlier guidance with more in-depth compliance program recommendations and an expanded discussion of particular risk areas. Although the guidance is still in draft form, it is a good indication of what issues the OIG is concerned about, and what issues might be the subject of future enforcement actions.
The following briefing is not an exhaustive discussion of every risk area or recommendation contained in the draft guidance. This week we will discuss some of the risk areas included in the guidance that concern pathology and radiology providers and have been raised in past briefings and subscriber emails. Next week we will conclude our discussion of the draft guidance by taking a look at some of the expanded guidance concerning particular compliance program functions. As always, feel free to ....
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