CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 6/4/04
Editor's Welcome
The following CodeMap Compliance Briefing discusses the OIG's recommendation that all clinical laboratories send "physician notices" to their ordering clients on an annual basis. However, before we dive into that topic, we need to correct a typo that was included in the 5/21/04 CodeMap Compliance Briefing concerning screening pap smears. One of the four covered ICD-9 codes for screening pap smears was incorrectly listed in that briefing. The correct list of covered ICD-9 codes is:
V15.89: Other specified personal history presenting hazards to health, other
V76.2: Special screening examination for malignant neoplasms, cervix
V76.47: Special screening examination for malignant neoplasms, vagina
V76.49: Special screening examination for malignant neoplasms, other sites
Consult Program Memorandum AB-03-054 for more details. We apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Annual Phys....
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