CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 5/21/2004
Editor's Welcome
In recent weeks, several subscribers have emailed us with questions concerning the medical necessity requirements associated with performing screening pap smears. The questions are to be expected considering the fact that conflicting and confusing information exists both on the CMS website as well as in many Medicare contractors newsletters and communications. This week we will resolve this issue and explain its source. As this week's briefing demonstrates, your emails are an important contribution to the CodeMap Compliance Briefing. Continue to email your thoughts and questions so that we may address the issues that are the most important to you.
Also, there will be no CodeMap Compliance Briefing next week in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday. The next briefing will be in two weeks on June 4, 2004.
Gregory Root, Esq.
NCD Concerning Screening Pap Smears
CMS has published a National Coverage Determination (NCD) entitled "NCD for Screening Pa....
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