CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 5/14/2004
Editor's Welcome
This briefing is the second of a series on how Medicare pays for blood products and transfusion services. Last week we discussed how Medicare pays for blood products, this week we cover the Medicare blood deductible and reimbursement for transfusion services. As always, please continue to email your questions to us. We are always looking for ideas for future CodeMap Compliance Briefings.
Charles B. Root, Ph.D.
Medicare Coverage of Transfusion Services
Medically necessary transfusion of blood, regardless of the type, is generally a covered service under both Medicare Part A and B. No distinction is made between the transfusion of homologous, autologous, or donor-directed blood.
For hospital inpatients (Medicare Part A), the diagnosis related group (DRG) payment to the hospital includes all covered blood and blood processing expenses, whether or not the blood is eventually used.
For hospital outpatients (Medicare Part B),&....
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