CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 4/2/2004
Editor's Welcome
This is the first of a series of CodeMap Compliance Briefings on genetic testing codes. This week we will cover the basic coding rules for molecular diagnostic tests and how component codes are used. Subsequent briefings will be devoted to coding for infectious agent tests which utilize molecular diagnostics, molecular cytogenetics and other new molecular diagnostic codes. As always, please feel free to respond with questions and/or concerns via email and we will endeavor to answer your questions either individually or in upcoming CodeMap Compliance Briefings.
Charles Root, Ph.D.
Genetic Test Coding: Definitions
Genetic testing, in the public's mind, is usually defined as the measurement of genetic defects or markers which predispose a person to some disease of disorder. Genetic testing for these purposes is the subject of considerable controversy and will probably be federally regulated in the future to prevent "genetic discrimination". There is considerab....
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