CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 3/26/2004
Editor's Welcome
This is the third and final installment of our series concerning sales and marketing practices and the associated compliance implications for clinical laboratories. This week we discuss common "perks" or "freebies" that laboratories often supply to their customers. As you will see, depending on the circumstances, some of these practices may expose clinical laboratories to significant liability.
Also, several of our subscribers have identified an error in the CodeMap Compliance Briefing from 3/5/04. In that briefing two HCPCS codes concerning travel allowances for specimen collection were incorrectly listed as P9612 and P9615. The correct codes are P9603 and P9604. We apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Marketing Practice 3: Common Perks
In most industries it is common practice to offer gifts or "perks" to both potential and existing customers. However, this can be a dangerous practice when marketing....
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