Editor's Welcome:
Specimen collection codes and reimbursement continue to be a problem area for many providers. This briefing covers the coding and reimbursement for Medicare and non-Medicare specimens. Because of the high volumes associated with these procedures, it is very important to make sure that all services are captured and properly billed.
Please continue to send us you comments and suggestions for future briefings. We will try to answer all questions individually or in a future CodeMap briefing.
Charles Root, Ph.D.
Specimen Collection
Specimen collection codes are used to identify venipuncture and other procedures used to obtain body fluids or tissue for laboratory analysis. Medicare and most other payers allow a separate specimen collection charge for collecting specimens by venipuncture or catheterization whether or not the specimen is processed on site or referred to another laboratory for analysis. Only one collection fee is allowed for each patient encounter, even though multiple specimens may be collected. ....
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