Editor's Welcome
The AMA first published tracking codes in 2002 to identify emerging technology and allow data collection for specific new procedures or services that would otherwise be classified under an "unlisted" CPT code. This week we will discuss the tracking codes applicable to laboratory and radiology services and how Medicare treats these codes. As always please feel free to e-mail questions regarding this newsletter or ideas for future Friday Compliance Briefings.
Charles Root, Ph.D.
Category III (Tracking) CPT Codes
Tracking codes are meant to identify emerging technology and allow data collection for specific new procedures or services. These codes are recognized by the letter "T' that replaces the last digit, (for example 0023T) and are listed at the back of the CPT book. Unlisted CPT codes (for example, 81099, Unlisted urinalysis procedure) are used to report tests or procedures that cannot be described with existing analyte specific or method codes presently contained in the CPT. Tracking codes w....
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