Editor's Welcome
On August 15, 2003, CMS published a proposed rule to update the 2004 Physician Fee Schedule. Included in the rule is a proposal to change the way flow cytometry services are reimbursed. Comments regarding the proposed changes discussed below will be accepted by CMS until October 7, 2003. As always please feel free to e-mail questions regarding this newsletter or ideas for future Friday Compliance Briefings.
Charles Root, Ph.D.
New Proposed Rules for Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometry services are reported using the following CPT codes:
88180 Flow cytometry, each cell surface, cytoplasmic or nuclear marker
88182 Flow cytometry, cell cycle or DNA analysis
These codes are included in the Physician Fee Schedule and may be split into technical (laboratory) and professional (pathologist) components for billing purposes. Most flow cytometry services are presently reported using CPT code 88180.
Medicare pays an average of $39.00 for the technical compo....
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